LEDs, again

In the last section, I gave you initialized (configured) peripherals (I initialized them in aux7::init). That's why just writing to BSRR was enough to control the LEDs. But, peripherals are not initialized right after the microcontroller boots.

In this section, you'll have more fun with registers. I won't do any initialization and you'll have to initialize configure GPIOE pins as digital outputs pins so that you'll be able to drive LEDs again.

This is the starter code.


use aux8::entry;

fn main() -> ! {
    let (gpioe, rcc) = aux8::init();

    // TODO initialize GPIOE

    // Turn on all the LEDs in the compass
    gpioe.odr.write(|w| {


    loop {}

If you run the starter code, you'll see that nothing happens this time. Furthermore, if you print the GPIOE register block, you'll see that every register reads as zero even after the gpioe.odr.write statement was executed!

$ cargo run
Breakpoint 1, main () at src/08-leds-again/src/main.rs:9
9           let (gpioe, rcc) = aux8::init();

(gdb) continue

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x08000f3c in __bkpt ()

(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0  0x08000f3c in __bkpt ()
main () at src/08-leds-again/src/main.rs:25
25          aux8::bkpt();

(gdb) p/x *gpioe
$1 = stm32f30x::gpioc::RegisterBlock {
  moder: stm32f30x::gpioc::MODER {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  otyper: stm32f30x::gpioc::OTYPER {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  ospeedr: stm32f30x::gpioc::OSPEEDR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  pupdr: stm32f30x::gpioc::PUPDR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  idr: stm32f30x::gpioc::IDR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  odr: stm32f30x::gpioc::ODR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  bsrr: stm32f30x::gpioc::BSRR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  lckr: stm32f30x::gpioc::LCKR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  afrl: stm32f30x::gpioc::AFRL {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  afrh: stm32f30x::gpioc::AFRH {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0
  brr: stm32f30x::gpioc::BRR {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<u32> {
      value: core::cell::UnsafeCell<u32> {
        value: 0x0